Newest member of my creations
Merry Christmas to all. This is my newest creation, thought I'd give paperclay a try and see what I could come up with. I haven't gotten a name for her yet I'm waiting for that to come to me at some point. I just felt the need to make an angel. I believe she will be the prototype for more. I'm quite pleased with her actually. I keep surprising myself.
Christmas morning was really fun. Declan is five and Santa is real. One of the toys he got he REALLY wanted and when it was opened he threw back his head and yelled "Thank you Santa" then fell back on the dog. Couldn't have coreographed it any better.
Most of the day was relaxing. I took several naps as I was coming down with a cold that kept me in bed all day Sunday. Coming out for minor visits and a little creativity now and then. I'm feeling pretty good today though I'm ready to remove my nose!
We are a blanket of snow outside with the sun now shinning. Strong winds and lots of snow made yesterday a good day to be snuggled in bed. It was beautiful out this morning too with all the snow and the birds going after the flowers I didn't cut back from summer. Declan said the little angel in the middle looks like a little snowman that the birds built. Love how kids think!
I hope that everyone had a beautiful, sacred, joyful Christmas. I am thankful for so many things that I can't express them all. Family, Friends and Creativity top the list though.
Much love to those of you who stop by. Here's to a joyful prosperous new year.
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