I do so wish I had a space with windows and lots of light. Currently my studio is a little area in the basement, no windows, surrounded by stored items, kitties (they are my muses) and yes cat boxes! Not so inspiring. I'm finding more and more that I go down get what I need and drag it to the dinning room table to work, there are windows, I can keep an eye on my almost 5 year old and still get things done.
I have been driving around lately taking photographs of whatever grabs my attention and found this above photo. Doesn't that just scream MAKE ME A STUDIO? I would have plenty of room to spread out, add some window and fling open the doors I could put in a loft and hold classes to teach embroidery, mixed media, crochet etc. I'd ask to keep the clock too, isn't it fabulous? Someday!
We're invited to a 4th of July party today and currently unsocial me would rather stay home and create something, currently working on a series of embroideries from Alice In Wonderland, I'm quite excited, I just adore that movie. Will post when I finish the first, Mad Hatter. Alas, I will go to the party, maybe meet potential "clients" LOL this is how I have to think now to build the business. Extra cards in my purse.
Everyone have a wonderful 4th! Keep safe and think how to incorporate fireworks into your work and life! Mmmmwah! (kiss)
Hi Heather, thanks for stopping by my place, your blog looks lovely! I only started mine earlier this year, I think February, it seems daunting at first but you settle in pretty quick and learn your way around. Let's keep in touch now that class is over!