Here's a quick photo of my first painting. I'm actually quite proud for my first attempt. It's so cool to try new things it makes you feel free and light. I had such a good time doing it too. I've had that canvas sitting around for more than a year, to afraid to put paint to it because of fear of failure. My sister and nephew are amazing painters with two very different styles but you become afraid because you wont measure up.
That's probably been my hardest hurdle along my path to creativity. I couldn't find what my creative gift, talent, calling was. I only knew that I had one. So quite often I would find someone who's stuff I liked and start doing something similar. But that doesn't speak to your soul and give you the joy of creating something that people recognize as you.
I still think my quilts are a lot me, but this could be something too, along with photography. It's so nice to have all the possibilities.
Dearest Heather, your painting is lovely and so sweet! You have a very inspiring space here! Have a lovely merry happy day and love to you!