Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Sometimes out of nowhere, like when you're going to pick up your son from school there is a moment of grace. A moment when you look into the eyes of something beautiful, the car behind you waits while you block the road taking a photo and doesn't honk. Finally I had my camera and the opportunity at the same time. Serendipity. I love that word. I love words.

Opportunity and the tools isn't that what art and creativity is all about? Being creative doesn't have to mean each time you sit down you create a masterpiece. But if you sit down and keep creating the right moment may come along where you create your masterpiece. Something that speaks to you, touches you in a way that other things do not yet if you kept yourself away you never would have surprised yourself with your wonderfulness.

Remember, no masterpiece was the first piece of art the artist did. Keep creating and find your masterpiece.


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