Here's a quick photo of my first painting. I'm actually quite proud for my first attempt. It's so cool to try new things it makes you feel free and light. I had such a good time doing it too. I've had that canvas sitting around for more than a year, to afraid to put paint to it because of fear of failure. My sister and nephew are amazing painters with two very different styles but you become afraid because you wont measure up.
That's probably been my hardest hurdle along my path to creativity. I couldn't find what my creative gift, talent, calling was. I only knew that I had one. So quite often I would find someone who's stuff I liked and start doing something similar. But that doesn't speak to your soul and give you the joy of creating something that people recognize as you.
I still think my quilts are a lot me, but this could be something too, along with photography. It's so nice to have all the possibilities.
Once again I begin. I've always thought of bloggs as overwhelming and what would I say, who'd want to listen to me? Now I realize the importance of a blog as a creative person reaching out to others with the same interests and wanting to share and create a community.
I've been taking Kelly Rae Roberts e-course Flying Lessons the last 4 weeks and it's given me the courage to start reaching out and really believing in myself (Thanks Kelly) It's been at turns overwhelming, informative and most of all fun. If she offers it again take the course!
I'm hoping that through this blog I will find my people so to speak. I long for creative community and friends who also think outside the box and who will turn the car around to check on a piece of junk on the side of the road!
Mainly I do embroidery and small art quilts but also like to paint and crochet and garden and and and....
Welcome to anyone who reads and decides to follow as I embark on this creative journey to develop a creative business and more expansive creative life.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
I'm back once again. Jumping back on the creative part of my life. It's been a really really tough year this year, suffering from severe depression and if you have ever dealt with that yourself you know how impossible it is to get anything done. But with the help of modern medicine, therapy and friends I am doing better and getting to know myself again.
I feel better about my creative self, doing a commission, have two exchanges to work on etc. I'm still holding back on painting, will be pushing past that fear soon. Have loved trying new things for my embroidery and art quilt work and will post when the project is done.
It's amazing how we know that we are creative yet fear of failure or success holds us back. It's like we have to instantly be fabulous and making a living. Yes in some aspects of my life I can be a perfectionist and very black and white, all or nothing. Yet I've taken some recent leaps of faith, teaching an embroidery class at the library for kids 10+, becoming a founding member of our local arts council that is just starting. These are big leaps for me. Plus I will be opening an Etsy Shop soon.
It's a journey and something I must do. The whispers have always been there now, I can no longer ignore them.
Wife, mother, compulsive creator, be it craft, furniture or garden. I believe in making your dreams come true no matter when you discover what they are.